This is an about page for everything related to this digital garden project and me.

About this Digital Garden 🌱

This digital garden serves as my little corner on the Internet. Kinda like how everyone used to have their own personal website in the Old Web days.

What you'll find here are just my notes on things that I find interesting. Writing and sharing these notes helps me learn in public.

Most of the content in this digital cove comes from my private Obsidian vault. Originally, this cove was published on a Netlify site but it ran aground and sunk. This is a rebuilt version of the cove.

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Why Pirate's Cove? 🏴‍☠️

In keeping a tradition of naming things based on pirate terms, I figured that cove is the closest thing to a pirate's garden. For comparison, I named my personal website The Buccaneer’s Bounty!

About Me 🏴‍☠️


Just like pirates, I go by different names. In here, I go by Nic while in other places, I go by Gentry Gibson.

I’m a bookish pirate enthusiast interested in learning new things.

Contact Me 📨

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